While it´s true that almost any famous brand is
Posted by nicolaslml | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 24-03-2012
Counterfeiting currently makes up five to seven percent of total worldwide trade, approximately 500 billion dollars. While it´s true that almost any famous brand is at risk for counterfeiting, one of the most commonly copied labels is Louis Vuitton. Fake Louis Vuitton purses The handle stitching should be consistent. It should also have yellow threads.
Women love handbags and purses and especially if it is a branded handbag like Louis Vuitton, they would be on the seventh heaven. Adorning an authentic LV designer handbag adds more style to your wardrobe and it is a precious addition to your accessory collection. The Louis Vuitton brand symbolizes glamour, elegance, style and sophistication. Women consider LV bags as a status symbol and love to flaunt the same. Women love attention and if they are carrying an LV brand, it is for sure that it is going t be noticed. The only hitch is that an original Louis Vuitton handbag is far too expensive and cannot be afforded by a layman. One look at the price and all your desires are going to get drowned. Louis Vuitton Imitation Handbags are still their most popular, and most identified pieces. This popularity, and the unattainable aspect of them led to the creation of the underground world of knock off Louis Vuitton handbags. Now you can carry around the Louis Vuitton label for a fraction of its typical thousand dollar price tag. Your purse, however, will most likely not fool very many people. In addition, you will be supporting an illegal activity. Honest taxpayers have to shoulder the burden of taxes unpaid by smugglers and sellers of knock-offs, approximately $200 billion.
The Louis Vuitton company began in France as a luggage manufacturer in 1854. Louis Vuitton himself made the company a success by offering unrivaled quality in all of his products. The company quickly became popular among those who enjoyed luxury items and the need for luggage pieces for travel was such that the company established a name for itself in the marketplace. Replica Louis Vuitton luggage Before considering buying an imitation Louis Vuitton or any other designer bag, think of the following: Your purchase is helping the owners of sweat shops, many of which employ young children stay in business. Selling fake LV designer bags is illegal. So is buying them! You may not face jail time, but your new bag could be taken from you while going through customs on your way home or to your vacation destination. Speaking of vacations, if you are traveling though a country like China, Mexico orThailand, where mass manufacturing is a huge part of their industry, stay away from the temptation of buying a designer look-alike.