Subtitles are the best way to convey a message of any movie, video or tv shows. There are almost 50 languages that are spoken widely, And mastering all of them is impossible for a single person. So here comes the subtitles that help people to understand movie dialogues and get an proper emotion’s of the actor.
Some people think that subtitles are not the way to understand a movie properly or to get a message that filmmakers want to convey they prefer dubbing of the movie. But i personally never watch any foreign movie without subtitles even if it is dubbed. Because to get the proper emotions of an actor in a movie if it is dubbed is very difficult without the subtitles.
There are many Tv shows and movies that were not dubbed, Because any of a reason, To watch these types of Tv shows and movies we need subtitles. Sometimes, while watching a dubbed movie, there may be a loud background music or the accent of the actor is difficult to understand, Here comes the subtitles of that show that help us to get the proper tone and pitch of dialogues that help us to get the proper emotions and feelings of the actors.
There may be other reasons to download the subtitles if someone that is watching a movie had a hearing problem. Or if you are learning a new language, With your course the movies and Tv shows that help you to better understand their culture as well as the way of their living. And you can only understand their movies and Tv shows if you have the subtitles.
Subtitles comes with the version of the movie you are watching e.g Subtitles of Blu-ray and DVD are not same both version have different subtitles. To download subtitles of a movie you first need to proper understand the version of your video and than you can search “Download English Subtitles of Avengers Endgame 1080p”. Because not every subtitles sync with movie audios. We have made a list of websites to download subtitles of movies and Tv shows, you can search subtitles from any website that are listed.
Best Websites To Download Subtitles Of Movies And Tv Shows
You can visit the websites below to find the desired subtitles for movies or Tv shows you’re watching. We have pros and cons of every website, as well as the features of the websites that other website doesn’t have.
Subscene – All Time Best Site For Movies Subtitles
Subscene is the best site among all the subtitle websites. They have a nice interface that any user can understand and it is easy for user’s to search for any movie’s subtitles because they have a search bar at the top. After entering to a specific movie page you decided to download subtitle’s, just click on the language and version of the subtitles, the website will redirect you to 3rd page and there will be a download button, just click the download button and you got your subtitles in your device. Website is mobile friendly. They used Taboola ads, sometimes ads are annoying but to keep the website running and updated they have to do it.
Yify Subtitles – Clean Interface Subtitles Website
Yify subtitles is the among the most clean interface websites that uploaded subtitles. This website name relate to Yify a torrent website that uploads torrents of movies in high quality and due to their torrent website this website caught attention of the users whom English is not their first language and now this website is the leading website for subtitles. This website upload subtitles in different languages on the same page and the user just need to select their language and on the next step there is an download button to download subtitles. This website does not use popups as other subtitle websites are doing for their monetization. They used Taboola ads and on some of their mirror sites they use adsense ads too. We have mentioned the list of their mirror sites also.
Open Subtitles – Website With Large Number Of Subtitles Database
Open Subtitles have a large number of database in different languages. While writing article their website mention to have 5351324 subtitles. If you have your own subtitles you can upload to their website and other users can also download them. They actually have a forum where users can discuss about the subtitles, there are around 120000 members on their forum and increasing day by day, they have categorized forum on the bases of languages. If you’re a member of their forum you can also request for subtitles to other users through a forum post. Besides all that they also have a Video Player as well as Software to download subtitles on PC. There is a website with same name but with different yld i.e this website has a very clean and clear interface to download subtitles for movies. They use some notification ads on the site which are looking like po*n ads.
Addic7ed – Best Tv Shows Subtitle Website
This website has Tv shows as well as movies subtitles. Website had made different pages for both Tv shows and movies and on the main page of Tv shows they have mentioned all the Tv shows for whom they have added subtitles. But you need to login to download movie subtitles. On the Tv shows page, they have mentioned the seasons and episodes with subtitles and by clicking on the desired episode of the season you can simply click to download button to download subtitles. From the subtitle page of any season you can also filter the subtitles by languages. At footer of the website they also mentions top downloads, Top uploaders and latest comments. They also have a forum on different domain with more than 21000 members.
Podnapsis – Without Ads Subtitles Download Website
As we have mentioned this website do not use any type of advertisement on their website and also have a clean interface and no redirect at all. They have both the Tv shows as well as movies subtitles, they also have mini series subtitles on their website. They also have a large number of users on their forum, they have around 300000 members on the forum. On website they have a rating option, if user download a subtitle from their website that either is user uploaded or their team, a user who download the subtitle can rate it on the website so the other users can see wither the subtitle is good or bad. They have subtitles in around 40 languages. Subtitles that are uploaded by users are checked by their team and if they had not checked it they have mention on the subtitle download page. According to their stats they have mentioned in their website,
“We currently have 2,078,731 subtitles for 58,966 movies and 6,718 series in 100 languages in our database of which 61,712 are made by the community, 100,267 are adapted for hearing impaired and hard-of-hearing (SDH) viewers.”
Downsub – Website To Download Subtitles For Youtube And Other Websites
This website helps users to download subtitles from different websites like YouTube. This website is basically a web application that let their users to download captions or subtitles in different languages we well as formats like SRT, VTT and TXT. You don’t need to install any web application or any software to use this website, You just need to copy the URL and paste on the search bar that is shown in the top of this website and you’re ready to go. There is just a simple method, With that you can download captions from their mentioning websites. There is an other trick to download subtitles from YouTube i.e before the URL or before the YouTube just paste and this website take you to download page, On which you just need to select format and language and your subtitles will download instantly. E.g:… Or…
Downsub Supporting Websites List

SubDl – Best For Popular Movies Subtitles
Subdl has subtitles for mostly the popular movies as well as Tv series. They have not mentioned any list of movies or Tv series, You need to find the subtitles of the movies through their search bar. Website has a clean and nice interface, theie is no advertisement at all. They have mentioned the list of popular movies and Tv series to find the subtitles as well as to take the idea of new movies or series to watch. They did not have separate pages for different languages, Rather than that they have made a single page for a movie and on the same page you can find all the subtitles in different languages.
ISubtitles – Country Wise Movie Subtitles Website
This website has large number of movies subtitles of different countries. They have categorized subtitles in Movie Genres, Counties, And on Languages bases. They have a beautiful search bar at the top of the website where you can search the movie to find its subtitles. They have a page with the name Browse where they have mentioned the subtitles with different categories, On the first, they separated subtitles by countries where they have mentioned different countries and had also write the number of subtitles every countries movies have, like 9778 movies subtitles are there on the website. When you click on the countries page they have shown the list of all the movies that relay on this category and you can choose the subtitles of movies by their countries they have made in. Like that, they have categories movies by their genres and in which movies are made.
TVsubtitles – Best Website For Tv Series Subtitles
This website has subtitles of almost all the Tv shows. The interface of the website is bit old. But they upload new tv shows subtitles as well, they have made a different filters. They have list of all the top subtitles, besides that they also have language filter with that you can find subtitles in a specific language of different Tv Shows. On a side they link their movies subtitles website. The movies subtitles website has same features as Tv shows subtitles have. But the interface of both the websites are different. They are using downloads and play button ads on their website, By clicking on the ad you may be download an illegal software so, keep it in mind while downloading subtitles from
My-Subs – Best New Website To Download Subtitles is a new website to download subtitles of movies as well as Tv series. They have limited number of subtitles of Tv shows and Movies. But the way they had design their website is almost best of all the subtitles website. On the main page of the website their is a search form when you click on it, there had been showing all the Tv shows list click on any show then the search form asked the season number if they have more than 1 season, then they ask the episode of the selected season and on that page there will be shown subtitles in all the languages. They have also option to upload subtitles, But you need to be login to upload subtitles. But they have very limited number of movies subtitles on the website.
List Of Websites To Download Subtitles Of Movies And Tv Series
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Final Verdict
We have made a list of websites that can help you to find subtitles of movies and Tv shows. All websites that are mention above are good but they may have different purpose, E.g have all the subtitles in English while on the other hand have Spanish subtitles of movies and Tv series. Now its on up to you that which website you think is good for you. Don’t forget to mention any new website in comments box so we can review it.